Project: GuestBook

GuestBook is a desktop app for managing guests in a hotel, optimized for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). If you are a hotel manager who can type fast, GuestBook can get your guest management tasks done faster than traditional GUI apps. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java, and has about 13 kLoC. This project is based off AddressBook - Level 3.

Given below are my contributions to the project.

  • New Feature: Added isRoomClean field.
    • This field indicates if a room has been cleaned or not.
  • New Feature: Added markroomsunclean command.
    • Allows the user to set the room clean status of all the guest in the hotel to no in a single command.
    • This feature greatly aids with GuestBook’s efficiency. Typing in one command to change all guests’ room clean statuses saves the user an incredible amount of time compared to individually editing each guest’s details.
  • Code contributed: RepoSense link

  • Enhancements to existing features:
    • Refactored entire AddressBook 3 to fit the GuestBook specificity.
      • This includes editing user guide, developer guide, person class to guest class (pull request #58).
    • Refactored Commons and Logic packages’ test cases (pull request #66).
  • Documentation:
    • User Guide:
      • Did final checks to ensure consistency of UG (pull request #225).
      • Revised languages and structure for better readability (pull request #142).
      • Added the glossary section (pull request #129).
      • Updated introduction and subheadings (pull request #148).
      • Updated add guest in user guide (pull request #122).
    • Developer Guide:
      • Did final checks to ensure consistency of DG (pull request #225).
      • Revised languages and structure for better readability (pull request #142).
      • Added implementation of markroomsunclean command (pull request #113).
      • Updated user profile, value proposition, use cases, NFR (pull request #47).
      • Added UML diagrams (pull request #113 and #112).
  • Contributions to team-based tasks:
    • Filmed and submitted demo v1.2.
    • Filmed and submitted demo v1.3.
    • Released v1.2 of GuestBook.
    • Added and reviewed test cases to improve code coverage
  • Project management:
    • Used GitHub actions, projects, issues, tags, milestones, and assignees to complete tasks in an orderly manner.
    • Used GitHub issue tracker.
    • Followed the forking workflow.
    • Contributed to meetings by sharing screen and facilitating discussions.
  • Review/mentoring contributions:
    • Team members’ PR reviews (with non-trivial review comments): pull request #223, #148, #147, #139, #134, #133, #132 ,#126, #119, #117, #116, #109, #102, #100, #70, #68, #65
    • Reported bugs for other teams ped.